Sunday, November 1, 2009


November Guild kit "This one's for the Birds" available with a membership only....check it out HERE
Free Template Zora Here


It always amazes me how siblings that share the same mother and father turn out so different.
Aaron, who is the eldest, is the protector. He makes sure they are not hurt by others, but of
course if he wants to give them a bad time that's okay. Kaitlyn is the middle child, filled with
loads of energy, and is little miss social diva, definately a girly girly. She also is the instigator
and loves to get Aaron in trouble. Sydney, the baby of the group is pretty content playing
on her own and when someone interrupts her can throw quite the fit! She is one that can de-
fend herself no problem. I have to say that as different as they are personality wise, they do
have a special bond that no one can take away from them.

1 comment:

Mad Em said...

This is a really cute stacked LO. I'm leaving some love from the Orchard! Check out my blog at

Have a wonderful day!