Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wedding Vows

My friends daughter on her wedding day...
Beautiful Wedding Day
Free Spirit

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Playful Heart

Squared Prefab Templates No.2

Sew Easy by Rosey Posey
Here and Now (stitches) by Rosey Posey
Photo from a friend

I've Come a Long Way Baby

April/May 2010 timeframe I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I decided it was time to take a new look at my past tries of loosing weight, each time I wanted to loose it as fast as I could and get down to a normel weight.  I was always able to take off weight, but couldn't continue at some point to keep it off or just gave up and went right back to binge eating.

This time I decided to change just a few things and slowly the weight start coming off, I was okay with that because my ultimate goal was to get to my goal and keep it off.  How am I doing it, PORTION CONTROL and a few little modifications.  Such as when I have a sandwich (which isn't often) no mayo no cheese and I use the new 100 calorie bread that is out there.   I also substitued carrots instead eating potato chips, I still get the crunchy sensation I wanted and am quite satisfied with it.  For breakfast I usually have yogurt and cereal and once in awhile I have a pancake with apple sauce instead of syrup.  Lunch is a lean cruisine type TV dinner with carrots or a cup of salad.  Dinner is whatever DH fixes just watch my portion.....

I have to admit along the way I did not exercise and so regret that because now I have loose skin that is not so pretty.  Right after Christmas I decided that exercise just had to be a part of my change, not only to firm up but also to be as healthy as I can the dieting I'm slooooowly incorporating it into my life.  The cold weather and lazy Winter days have made it hard, but I'm determined to make it a habit.....

So without further ado here is a layout showing the change in my face from loosing almost 58 lbs.
Punched Petals Vol2 by Buttercup Designs
Freakazoid The Collection by Flergs

Friday, January 14, 2011

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Studio Rosey Posey and SMJ designs have come together to create one amazing kit.  A little bit shabby and lots of love.

Shabby Shanty by Rosey Posey and SMJ Designs
Blueprints Set 5 by True Blue
Picture courtesy of Bouncing Pelican

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Looking Forward to 2011

Susan has released a new kit that is jam packed with goodies, I just didn't know what to use first. Since it
was the first day of the New Year I thought a reflective layout was in order, I am so looking forward to what 2011 will bring my way......

Here's a little New Year's Gift for it HERE!
HAPPY NEW YEAR, may you be blessed beyond belief.....